Capacities To: Affect Up Against Fascism is a collection of more than forty essays, poems, and visual works that convey myriad approaches for understanding, surviving, and creating counter-movements in our increasingly fascist and authoritarian age. From numerous angles and different international locales, the contributors offer insights grounded in their distinctive feeling-encounters across a multitude of everyday contexts, along with critical perspectives informed by affect as a way of registering the energies or intensities of living and their gathering potentials for making a world otherwise than it is now. Fascism is an affective phenomena that works as a large scale ideological form and, also, by insinuating itself into the micro-movements and moments of daily life. Affect studies operates upon this same terrain but, rather than the abject fear of contamination, otherness, and difference that animates fascist imaginings and rouse its violence toward particular elements of the body-politic, affect [up against fascism] can be moved in other ways: open and inclusive and joyful in its embrace of difference as abundance, as messiness, as enlarged capacities for living together.