Katrine Annesdatter-Madsen is a PhD student at Department of Linguistics, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen. She is part of the project FLAME: The Feminist Legacy in Art Museums (2020-2025), headed by Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen and funded by the Research Council of Norway. Focusing on haptic visuality and affect, her PhD project investigates the creation of perceptual events as performative renegotiations of the body and its art historical representation in Norwegian feminist art in the 70s.
Lone Bertelsen is a researcher, writer, and educator. She works across the fields of activist and feminist thought and praxis with an emphasis on rethinking the nature of the social. She collaborates with the 3 Ecologies Institute and was a Postdoctoral Fellow on the Immediation: Art, Media, Event project. She is one of the editors of the Fibreculture Journal, and her work has been published in Theory, Culture and Society, The Affect Theory Reader, Peripeti, Performance Paradigm, and the Fibreculture Journal. She has taught at Macquarie University and The University of NSW.
Elizabeth de Freitas is a Professor in the Education and Social Research Institute and co-director of the Manifold Laboratory for Biosocial, Eco-Sensory and Digital Studies of Learning and Behavior, at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on philosophical and anthropological investigations of mathematics, science and technology. Her research has been funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the UK Economic and Social Research Council. She has published 5 books and over 50 chapters and articles. She has co-edited 6 journal special issues since 2016 – including Thinking with Spinoza about Education (EPAT, 2018); Rethinking social inquiry in the wake of science studies: Transdiscipline pursuits in times of climate change, information flows, and fading democracies (CS-CM, 2019) and The computational turn in education research: Critical and creative perspectives on the digital data deluge (RE, 2017).
Jonas Fritsch, PhD, is Associate Professor in Interaction Design at the IT University of Copenhagen in the Department of Digital Design. He leads the Affective Interaction & Relations (AIR) Lab Research Group at ITU (airlab.itu.dk) and is head of the Design Research Section. His research revolves around a creative thinking of interaction design, design processes, experience philosophy, digital aesthetics and affect theory through practical design experiments with e.g. interactive sound, physical interfaces and mized reality. He is co-managing the DFF (Danish Independent Research Council)-funded project on Affects, Interfaces, Events (2014-present) and was Associated Partner in the 7-year SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (2013-2019) research project entitled IMMEDIATIONS: Media, Art, Event. He is on the Editorial Boards of the journals Inflexions and Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry.
Jette Kofoed is associate professor of social psychology, Ph.D. at School of Education, Aarhus University. She is a member of the DFF funded research project Affects, Interfaces, Events (2015-21). In focusing on affects, mediated processes of subjectification, digital intimacy, children and youth’s digital cultures in school her research focuses on extreme exclusionary processes, such as cyberbullying, digital sexual assault and image based abuse. She is committed to post/qualitative research methodologies and ethics. Her recent publications in English include: Strategic Cyberbullying and the Reorganisation of political culture. Interfacial Refrains, Intensities and @RealDonaldTrump in Conjunction (with Jonas Fritsch and Camilla Møhring Reestorff) (2019), “We always torment different people, so by definition we are no bullies” The problem of definitions in cyberbullying research (with Elisabeth Staksrud) New Media and Society (2918), Temporal ephemerality, persistent affectivity in Mediated Intimacies (eds Andreassen, Petersen, Harrison, Raun, (2018).
Chase Ledin is a PhD researcher in the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society at the University of Edinburgh. His research explores ‘post-AIDS’ epistemologies in public health promotion and cultural media production in the US, UK and France – with a focus on the transformations of biomedical knowledge in visual cultures. His recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Culture, Health and Sexuality; The European Journal of Cultural Studies; The Journal of Homosexuality; Modern and Contemporary France; and Somatosphere.
Erin Manning is a research chair in Speculative Pragmatism, Art and Pedagogy in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). She is also the founder of SenseLab (www.senselab.ca), a laboratory that explores the intersections between art practice and philosophy through the matrix of the sensing body in movement and 3Ecologies Institute collaborator. Artworks tend to explore more-than human participatory ecologies. Exhibitions include the Sydney and Moscow Biennales, Glasshouse (New York), Vancouver Art Museum, McCord Museum (Montreal) and House of World Cultures (Berlin) and Galateca Gallery (Bucarest). Publications include For a Pragmatics of the Useless (Duke UP, 2020), The Minor Gesture (Duke UP, 2016), Always More Than One: Individuation’s Dance (Duke UP, 2013), Relationscapes: Movement, Art, Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009) and, with Brian Massumi, Thought in the Act: Passages in the Ecology of Experience (Minnesota UP, 2014).
Brian Massumi is the author of numerous works across philosophy, political theory, and art theory. His publications include 99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value: A Postcapitalist Manifesto (University of Minnesota Press), Semblance and Event: Activist Philosophy and the Occurrent Arts (MIT Press) and Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation (Duke University Press).
Kristian Møller is a postdoc, PhD at the Digital Design Department, IT University of Copenhagen. He studies the intersection of media technology and LGBTQ sexuality and culture, with recent emphasis on media-drug assemblages. He has participated in the research project Medicine Man: Media Assemblages of Medicalized Masculinity supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRF). He is the project instigator of Intimate Media – Medicalized Sex, a research project funded by the AIDS Foundation of Denmark. He will serve on the academic advisory board for the IRF-supported project The Cultural History of AIDS in Denmark. His recent publications include Context collapse and anonymity among queer Reddit users (2019), Hanging, blowing, slamming and playing: Erotic control and overflow in a digital chemsex scene (2020), and Medicalised Masculinities—Somatechnical Interventions (2021). Twitter: @kristianmj
Anna Munster is a Professor in Media Arts and Theory, Faculty of Arts, Architecture and Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia. She has led several large research projects on media, affect, perception and embodiment including the project, ‘Re-imaging the empirical: statistical visualization in art and science’ (2017-2021), Australian Research Discovery Project. This project supported the research for her chapter in this anthology. She is a member of the 3Ecologies Institute founded by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi and was a co-applicant in their Immediations project. Her primary research interests are in radical empiricist understandings of technologies with an emerging interest in machine learning. She is the author of An Aesthesia of Networks (MIT Press, 2013) and Materializing New Media (Dartmouth Press, 2006). She collaborates artistically with Michele Barker using audiovisual, immersive media and data to draw out their affective and errant tendencies.
Andrew Murphie researches: media, technics, politics and organisation; bioentropy and climate change communication; catastrophic and counter-catastrophic multiplicities; process philosophy; speculative pragmaticism; “the world as medium” and/vs a “third media revolution” (AI, automation, pre-automation; ghosted presence in VR, augmented, mixed realities; data and signaletics; genetics, drones and the internet of things); the way cultures of representation are currently being subsumed into a radical in-folding of world/ media/technics. He edits the Fibreculture Journal and Fibreculture book series, with Open Humanities Press. He is an editor on the 3Ecologies Book series for Punctum. He is honorarily at UNSW Sydney and has long worked with The SenseLab/3E (3 Ecologies Institute) in Montréal and with scholars in Denmark. He has strong interests in changes in contemporary scholarly and para-academic communication, and in transforming what was the university.
Søren Rasmussen holds a PhD from the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies at Aarhus University. Part of the project Affects, Interfaces, Events funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark (2015-21), and a research member of Immediation: Art, Media and Event funded by SSHRC, Canada (2013-21). Centred around the notion of the anarchive, Søren engages in the design and study of interactive experience with a focus on the potential for digital technologies to change the way events are shared and remembered. His work is transdiscplinary and includes design experiments and projects, qualitative studies and analyses published across the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Cultural Studies.
Camilla Møhring Reestorff is associate professor, PhD at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. She is member of the project Affects, Interfaces, Events, funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark (2015-21) and head of Transgressive Behavior: Discrimination, Sexual Abuse and Harassment and Power Abuse in the Film-, TV-, and Performing Art Industry, funded by Danish Theater and the Danish Actors’, Movie Directors’ and Producers’ Associations. Her work focusses on the politics of bodies and affects in activist (e.g. the #metoo-movement) and political practices (e.g. debates about refugees) and in the film-, tv- and performing arts’ work environment. Selected publications: Culture War: Affective Politics, Tepid Nationalism and Art Activism (Intellect Press, 2017), Affective Activism and Political Secularism: The Unending Body in the Femen Movement (Routledge Companion to Media and Activism, 2018), Affective Politics and Involuntary Autoethnography: Backlashes Against #Metoo (Capacious, 2019).
David Rousell is Senior Lecturer in Creative Education at RMIT University, Australia, where he co-direct the Creative Agency Lab. He is also a visiting Research Fellow in the Manifold Lab at Manchester Metropolitan University. As an artist and researcher, David’s work is invested in the collective reimagining of pedagogical cultures, theories, and environments through speculative approaches drawing on the environmental arts, posthumanism, and process philosophy. Much of this work involves creative collaborations with children and young people responding to the diverse impacts of climate change within their local environments. His recent book is titled Immersive cartography and post-qualitative inquiry: A speculative adventure in research-creation.
Kristine Samson is an urbanist and Associate Professor, PhD at Department of Communication and Art, Roskilde University, Denmark. In the subproject, Evental Urbanism she explores the affective encounters in art, activism and design. With a particular interest in environmental and spatial processes, Kristine Samson has published widely on participatory and situated design, urban space and performative citizenship and activism. Her latest publications include the chapters, “Events and the Ecologies of Design and Urban Activism” in Design and Political Dissent, ed. Jilly Traganou, Routledge 2020, and “The Audio Paper as Affective attunement” with Sanne Krogh Groth in Practical Aesthetics, ed. Herzogenrath 2021.
Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen is a Professor, PhD at School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University. Head of the project Affects, Interfaces, Events, funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark (2015-21) and a research member of Immediation: Art, Media and Event, headed by Erin Manning and funded by SSHRC, Canada (2013-21). In focusing on haptic visuality, affect and events her research on media aesthetics includes studies on film, video, interfaces and fashion in relation to cultural change. Her resent publications in English include: Lars von Trier’s Renewal of Film 1984-2014: Signal, Pixel, Diagram (2018), editorial work and chapters in Immediation I & II (2019), “The Play of Iconicity in Lars von Trier’s The House That Jack Built”, NECSUS (spring 2020), chapters in Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture (2020), and in Transmedia Directors: Artistry, Industry and New Audiovisual Aesthetics (2020).