As an open access publisher, like its accomplice Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, Imbricate! press will always foster and promote rambunctious bloom-spaces for those who study affect over the dulling hum of any specific orthodoxy. All Imbricate! releases are available freely online and for purchase in print.
The principal aim of Imbricate! is to create a place in and around affect studies for the generative ‘overlap’ of voices, practices, methods, matters, modes and more. Imbricate! publishes work that gauges how critical/creative practices can bring together discourses, worlds, sensations, sensibilities, and atmospheres that raise questions and perhaps unsettle what counts as ‘fit’ (and ‘unfit’) within and across shifting disciplinary contours.
Imbricate! Press seeks to be a place of publication that lifts up and nestles in amongst those folks (and ideas) that pursue imaginative and expansive configurations of pre-existing patterns of academic exploration. We are interested in books tackling subject areas and presentational formats that are stylistically adventurous and often find conventional publishing models too limiting.
Casey Boyle
University of Texas, Austin
Vivienne Bozalek
University of the Western Cape
Gary Hall
Coventry University
Ali Lara
University of East London
Michael Lechuga
University of New Mexico
Hil Malatino
Pennsylvania State University
Susanna Paasonen
University of Turku
Carolyn Pedwell
University of Kent
Michael Richardson
University of New South Wales
Nathan Snaza
University of Richmond
Ben Spatz
University of Huddersfield
Illan Wall
University of Warwick
Libe Garcia Zarranz
Norwegian University of Science & Technology